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tv   The Messy Truth With Van Jones  CNN  March 16, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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good evening and thanks for joining us. the president of the united states has no facts to back up his startling allegations that the former president of the united states, president obama wire tabbed him at trump tower during the campaign. bipartisan members of the senate intelligence committee said they have seen no evidence that his phones were ordered tapped. paul ryan also said he has seen
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no evidence. the president asked congress to investigate and the house and senate committees have been doing just that for the last dozen days. he has no facts to back up the saturday tweet storm because in the white house briefing, sean spicer read a long lead of media reports that back up the president's claims. media reports. sean hannity, heat street, the "new york times," the paper that the president of the united states referred to as failing and fake. >> sean hannity went on and made the following statement. on november 11th days after the election, heat street hospitaled january 19th, the "new york times" reported. >> you know the president has no facts because he was on fox news last night and explained where he got the alleged information that led him to tweet the unsubstantiated allegations against the former president. >> i have been reading about things. i read i think it was january 20th where they were talking
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about wire tapping. there was an article and they used that exact term. i read other things and i watched your friend brett the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening. and wire tapping. i said wait a minute, there is a lot of wire tapping being talked about. i have seen a lot of things. >> he read a report in the "new york times" and heart brett bayer say something. a lot of wire tapping being talked about. the report the president is talking about does not say anything about president obama ordering a wire tap. we interviewed the "new york times" reporter who wrote the article and we are going to do it again tonight in a minute. you can hear him for yourself. as for brett bayer whose work i respect, based on sean spicer's comments, we believe he is referring to brett's show on march 3rd the night before the
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president tweeted. that does not cite evidence of wire tapping and refers to other unspecified reports and none say anything about president obama wire tapping president trump. he could have picked up a phone and called the fbi and cia and asked for the information. he didn't. there was something else he said in that fox interview that is similar to what he said before. in the world of television is what we call a tease. >> wire tap covers a lot of things. you will find very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks. >> that's the tease. it's stay tuned because there is something interesting coming up. the president has done this before most notably talking about president obama's citizenship. >> right now i have real doubts. people have been studying it and they can't believe what they are finding. >> people now are searching in
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hawaii? >> absolutely and they can't believe what they are finding. >> the pay off for that tease never came. there has never been evidence that citizen trump had people down in hawaii searching for information. the time when he claimed he did, we did have people down in hawaii searching for information, interviewing the people someone would interview for information and we interviewed ever reported being approached working for then citizen donald trump. it was quite a press conference. jim acosta was in the thick of it, but here's some of the exchange jim had with sean spicer. >> you were quoting sean hannity and the house and senate intelligence committees. you are citing sean hannity. >> you also tend to overlook the other sources. i know you want to cherry pick it. where was your concern with the "new york times" reporting.
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>> we have done plenty of report on all of this. >> you want to cherry pick one piece of commentary. >> that has all been looked at. >> how do you know all this? how do you seem to be such an expert? >> this has been looked at, sean. >> how do you know? hold on. i'm sorry. i'm afraid to understand. can you me how you know that all of this has been looked at. you made a statement saying all of this has been looked at. >> other outlets have reported it. >> when your outlet said it has been looked at. >> it sounds like during the context of that investigation there might have been intercepted communications and the house intelligence chairman did mention that and we reported that and others reported that on air and various publications, but sean, what you are refusing to answer is whether or not the president still -- >> i am not refusing. >> but you have a senate and
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house intelligence committee, both leaders from both parties on both of those panels saying they don't see evidence of wire tapping. >> that's not because you are mischaracterizing what he said. he said i think it's possible and he is following up on that. to suggest that, you are stating that you somehow -- >> you said if you take that -- >> we cleared that up and he said exact low that. the president said clearly when he referred to wire tapping he was referring to surveillance. >> what you and the president are saying is wire tapping is not true anymore. we will look at other forms of surveillance. >> that's cute, but at the end of the day, what the president had the wire tapping in quotes, he was referring to broad surveillance and you are talking about going back. the bottom line is the investigation with the house and the senate has not been provided
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all of the information. >> the reports and not evidence -- >> the president addressed that last night and said there is more to come. there is widespread reporting that throughout the 2016 election there was surveillance done on a variety of people that came up. >> there is an investigation going on. >> i find it interesting that you somehow believe -- >> of course they will be looking at these various things. >> somehow you seem to believe that you have all of this information and you have been read in on all of those things. i find it interesting. you are coming to serious conclusions for someone who has intelligence. >> give me some credit. i have a little intelligence maybe. >> clearance. maybe both. >> come on. those two panels have spoken with the fbi director and they said there is no evidence of this. >> this has been asked and
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answered. it's interesting about how you jump to all the conclusions and seem to know all the answers. at the end of the day, there was a ton of reporting -- hold on. let me answer it. there has been a vast amount of reporting which i detailed about activity going on in the 2016 election. there is no question that there was surveillance used throughout this. i think by a variety of outlets that reported this activity concluded. when you ask the two people whether or not and as the chairman said when you take it literally, the president has been clear he didn't mean specifically wire tapping. he had it in quotes. to fall back on that is a false premises. that's not what he said. >> jim acosta joins us now. >> why are you quoting shawn
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hannity. sean spicer went through the long list of news articles and posts on websites, obscure websites that would let them to conclude that the 39 has the same backing that was wire tapped by former president obama. one of the articles and you mentioned this, that the white house is relying upon was written by the "new york times." the president has called time and again the failing "new york times." on the face of it, they are leaning on information that they have questioned as not reputable in the past. during that long list of sources, he also cited sean hannity and something that was said on his say and something that judge thnapolitano said. those are non-biased source of information. they tend to be source of information that feed a lot of the president's experience theories. >> the reporter who wrote that
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article and we are about to do it again. he doesn't say anything about president obama wire tabbing. what judge napolitano said they came out and said it's ridiculous. are you seeing signs of the white house backing down at all from the president's original claim? i try to remember any time that president trump as a citizen or president admitted he was wrong about anything and we even asked him that as a candidate. are there things you said which are wrong. i don't think he ever admitted he was wrong. >> i don't think i have heard him admit he was wrong. that's one reason they pressed on that. they started with the original tweets from the president. for president obama wire tapping him. when that claim proved to be baseless and said as much by members of his own party. they expanded the definition and
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that means all of the forms of surveillance. the question is when that doesn't work anymore, it seems to be knocking down the latest and instead of finding refuge in the form of an apology, you have the president and spokesman doubling down and no sign of an apology coming. we know that because have been covering donald trump for sometime now. >> the most widely mentioned reporter aft nigof the night. woody allen gets annoyed and said i happen to have him right here. the reporter who is quoted by sean spirs. i top the get your reaction to what you heard. what do you make of the white house citing your article as
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part of the evidence? >> it's getting bizarre at this point. we said it very clearly and i said on your show that that's not what the story said. anybody can read the story and see that's not what it said. there is a bizarre circular thing happening where he cites a theory with the right wing media and after the tweet storm info wars, saying the "new york times" reported it misreading our story. now a few weeks later, the white house and the president are citing info wars. they are defending another theory and both of which there is no evidence to support. >> just to be clear, and correct me if i'm wrong, there is nothing in your reporting that indicates president obama wire tabb tapped president trump? >> nothing. if we knew that, that would be a
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fantastic story. i would be writing it or out respecting it. we said these communications were russians talking to each other about contacts with trump associates. we know there were intercepts with the russian ambassador who was on the phone with michael flynn. so flynn was picked up and talking to the russian ambassador under surveillance. this is routine work by intelligence and the fbi. this is not they especially put them under surveillance. we have no evidence that happened. you wrote one intelligence communication had been provided to the white house. you can't get into the sources, but you referenced the russians communicating theoretically with other russians and with flynn.
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>> much of it. i need to be careful because our visibility is limited. i don't have that. if there is an american masked for context or the president were to ask for that. again, this is intelligence doing their jobs frankly. and picking up things that were going on. >> and you are also working for a news organization that the president of the united states referred to as failing or fake news. it's interesting that the times seem to be one of the main white house sources that they are pointing to to try to try to bully their defense. it's odd that they would be embracing your reportering or what they believe your reporting is, which it's not. >> i guess an an honor, but it's
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a complete misreading. he usually refers to us as failing or something is wrong with us. on occasion, we called us a national treasure. there is a competing viewpoint about what we are. >> i want to bring in jim. the president is scheduled to hold a joint press conference with angela merkel. do you foresee wire tapping coming up and any idea of how he might respond? >> anderson, i think it will be a critical moment for the early days of the administration. we saw in the joint news conferences that he preferred to call on conservative news outlets to basically fix the game. in order to not get tough questions in the news conferences. the choice that is set before the president is does he go down that road and decide to stick with the outlets because he knows he is not going to ask the questions or does he call on a
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cnn or associated press or one of the other broadcast networks or is he going to be asked this question. ha is going to be a critical moment. he is certainly in a very difficult box of his own making. the only way he can see his way out is to acknowledge the truth. that the wire tabs claim he tweeted about is false and he made a mistake. >> appreciate you being on. breaking news on the congressional side including the head of the house inteligence committee including one of the claims you heard spicer make. th. verizon. (mic thuds) uh, sorry. it's unlimited without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. (thud)
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more breaking news on the white house side. the white house allegation that people doing the hard work are at the other end of pennsylvania avenue. not fining any and additionally it seems that the defenders seem to be losing patience with the white house and the breaking news is all about reaction to sean spicer suggesting that the chairman still backed the white house despite the chairman's statements contradicting the president's wire tap claims. >> when devin nunez said it's possible yesterday, there was critics from you guys. when he said there was no connection that he saw to russia cricke crickets. tom cotton said the same. >> the house intelligence and the 10ate intelligence. >> here's the direct quote.
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i think it's possible. >> joining us now, you just caught up with congressman nunez. >> he's not on the same page with the white house. what sean spicer was referring to was comments that were made yesterday in a press conference saying it was possible that incidentally in a broader surveillance taking place in the obama years. perhaps some of his communications were swept up. that's something they will look into. i asked him specifically does that mean you have seen evidence? he said no. he does not believe that president trump was wire tapped under the orders of barack obama. take a listen. >> you said i don't believe. those were your words. >> yeah. i don't believe the president ordered a physical wire tap of trump tower. >> what do you make of it? >> the physical wire tap or other surveillance activities. we want to make sure that no
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surveillance was used for political purposes. >> do you have evidence to suggest that they may have picked up on donald trump's communications at all. do you have evidence to suggest it? >> other than general flynn, we don't. >> that's the first time we are hearing from nunez saying there is no evidence to suggest, any incidental communications from president trump, under cutting a key argument that sean spicer was saying. he said if you take the tweets liter literally, he was not tapped, but broadly under the new definition of surveillance, maybe. we will look into it. no evidence that they are seeing or the senate intelligence committee is seeing. >> what are do you learn about the response from director comey of the fbi? >> we are expecting him to speak in a high profile hearing that the house intelligence committee is having on the issue of russia meddling in the campaign season
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with donald trump's campaign and russian officials. i am told by adam schiff, a top democrat that he expects james comey to publicly rebut donald trump's and publicly rebuts donald trump the way he is now expected to do so. >> that's coming up on monday. cnn political analyst and van jones is busy.
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he has the messy truth under way after 360. kirstin, i am not sure where to begin on this, but the press conference at the white house, the white house has gotten in deep on this and doesn't seem to be able to back out. >> they are in a bad situation because sean spicer has to defend donald trump because he doesn't want to back down from this. what struck me is he rolled out the evidence. donald trump tweeted i just found out and he went on this tweet rampage about how he was wire tapped. i think most of us think i just found out something, someone came in and briefed you. if i said i just found out something and it turned out i just found on out by reading it in the newspaper, that's not just finding out. everybody knows that. it turns out what it was is he was watching fox news. he found out something from sean hannity and that's embarrassing for the white house, i think.
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i don't think this is how we think of the president making an accusation like this based on something like that. >> we have talked about this before. having believed that, the president could then pick up the telephone and call the fbi and find out was there a fisa court warrant issued? none of that was done. >> the reason sean spicer gave us is then the media would go crazy because they are interfering in the intelligence activities and there should be a separation. that's his reason whether they like it or not, but two important things we need to separate. nunez said democrats and republicans alike said president obama did not order wire tapping of trump. doesn't seem like that happened based on everything we know. there is another separate very serious matter that i think is what president trump's tweet was getting at. mike flynn's conversations were transcribed in the course of
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surveying a foreign diplomat. when you come across a citizen, why weren't the conversations transcri transcribed in the middle of the election. that wire tapping, the questions are not answering and that could validate what president trump was getting at. >> you probably know more of this than i do, in certain circumstances the name can be unredacted if a crime has been committed. >> that's certainly true, but at the same time they need evidence before they transcribe it and disseminate around government mike flynn's conversations. why weren't the procedures followed from the get go. >> that's not what president trump was tweeting about at 6 something on a saturday morning. >> all kinds of things in our government can be improved. i was concerned under the obama administration that the intelligence community might have super powers and new tools.
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there is a way to have that conversation. can you say listen, i am the president of the united states and -- tweeting out a made up nonsense two weeks ago is not how you have a conversation. we need to talk about what's really going on here. two weeks ago the president gave a speech that was well received by many including myself and the next day rather than him getting his wonderful high praise, people start talking about the fact that jeff sessions committed an act of treason that the top cop committed a crime. donald trump by all reports started going off on people and screaming and yelling. he then tweeted out nonsense to change the subject. we are not talking about the fact that the top cop committed an act of perjury. we are talking about total nonsense. trump is winning again by doing nutty stuff and having us chase
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the rabbit around the barn. i don't think trump is that man. >> congressman, this is the way to turn the attention away and going down the rabbit hole. you can't ignore when the president of the united states is making allegations against the former president of the united states that are incredibly serious. >> i don't think you can ignore it. if you listen to what he said today, one of the things that bothered the white house, on his way out the door, president obama opened up the surveillance or the investigation to 16 other agencies who were not involved in this and spreading the information and continuing surveillance and the investigation level there was and improving the likelihood of leaks. that is something that the white house is very concerned about. one thing i want to mention and if they come out and say there was no evidence of wire tapping, in two weeks or three weeks or
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whatever it was, when they say there is no evidence of collusion, i hope they embrace their statement and that time as they have today. >> we will take a quick break and continue the conversation. a lot more to talk about in the hour ahead. what paul ryan said about the lack of evidence. whether he thinks mr. trump should apologize.
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>> we have been reporting the wire tabbing allegations. it took some interesting turns, they said flat out they have seen no evidence that president obama ordered donald trump's phones tabbed. sean spicer gave a long and winding and contradictory defense as president trump stands by the claim. paul ryan with lawmakers have been briefed by intelligence. here's what he told wolf blitzer a short time ago. >> we have not seen evidence of a wire tap or a fisa court order of somebody in trump tower. >> should the president of the united states apologize to former president obama and apologize to the american people for making such an assertion. >> i will leave it to him. >> do you trust president trump? >> yes. >> back now with the panel. i was trying to remember an incident where donald trump as a
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citizen really has apologized and i think we asked him about that at point during the campaign. if memory serves me, he couldn't come up. do you think he should? >> he should clarify if it's not direct evidence of obama tapping trump. >> twitter was not the place to raise this. i think there was something suspicious going on. maybe not orchestrated by president obama. that's not hard to believe based on the felonious leaks we have seen. there was something strange going on and they'll provide evidence of surveillance whether ordered by the commander in chief, that's a far stretch to make. this is why twitter does not lend itself to making the allegations. i think he should clarify like the senator who said she never met with the russians. i didn't have room in my office. >> the current president of the office calling the former president a bad or sick guy. is that something he should
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apologize for? >> i think his words may have godden ahead of himself in terms of wire tapping versus surveillance and maybe we will know something as he said last night to tucker carlson in the next couple of weeks and more stuff coming out. >> he often uses that phraseiology of something big is coming or just wait or i'm finding out amazing things. >> he's a hollywood guy and there is that teaser that is always out there. i am going to quote paul ri yann terms of apologizing. part of what sean was saying is surveillance and wire tapping is synonymous in the usage they had. that would not be acceptable to many people, but i do remember you asked about him apologizing during the campaign, early august after kellyanne conway took over the campaign, he did
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apologize in sort to the khan family for offending them. >> his phraseiology was not an apology. it was more like i said something i regret. frankly it's unlikely. >> it's unlikely, but the answer is yes, he should apologize. i don't think there is any question. i don't know how you can say that. if he accused president obama of something he didn't do and called him sick, he should apologize. i don't understand how this is a debate. >> there might be some who say they are waiting for an apology. >> that's like -- >> the problem we have is there should be a standard. if anybody should meet that standard, it should be the president of the united states. he shouldn't meet his standard if joe meets his. that's a conversation i have with my kids. i'm not doing it until he does
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it. the damage is not visible yet. it's like termites. all of these things are like termites. under mining basic trust and credibility. tomorrow always comes. there will be a moment where this man has to stand in front of the country and say we have to go to war or have a serious threat and you will have a lot of people going should i take this literally or seriously? people will be debating whether or not the president is serious when he is talking about something that could be life and death. this is all fun and games and we can all joke around. termites are eating through the fundamental structures of our country and it's dangerous. >> he is constantly saying and jon stewart pointed out. he is saying believe me. believe me. at a certain point, he shouldn't be saying that phrase. you should just believe him. >> he said the doj asked him for
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more week. if he comes up with something because there was a suspicious headline and wire tap used with trump associates, that was a headline on january 19th. if in two weeks he provides. >> we had that reporter multiple times. the color was not talking about president obama. we are talking about russian surveillance. >> where they picked up on an american citizen. there could be something that in two weeks. if there is, they are having a different conversation. they don't trust the obama administration. >> that's not what the president tweeted and alleged. if you are president of the united states, you make one allegations and it falls apart and you start to move the goal post. that's loucy with the football. >> something nepharious comes up, he was not specific enough. >> i don't understand your argument, but because there were
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leaks that somehow we are supposed to think something happened? >> people leaked all through the obama administration. >> and bush. >> it's not whether you think is right or wrong and specifically happened to him. a lot of leaks were happening because the intelligence community is so concerned about what they believe is going on. i can't quite follow the logic of it. >> snooping on an american citizen. >> who? >> mike flynn. >> no, he was not. but we had the "new york times" reporter on here saying this was collective. >> what crime was he commit something. >> he was talking to somebody else. >> what was the crime? >> it seems like they were surveilling the russian ambassador. >> when you stumble on the conversation, you stop. unless there is evidence of a crime. >> we don't know.
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>> the crime that we know of that was taking place is the felons who have leaked information. that is a felony. we know crimes have been committed. >> the russians hacked into the election. >> that's one of the things that comey is going to say next week. that's one of the things that sean spicer said. whenever said there is no evidence of collusion, crickets. >> clapper said he saw no evidence of collusion. i think democrats are out on a thin shaky limb and we will see what happens when the evidence comes in. >> i will say this. i'm old enough to remember when conservatives were really, really patriotic and concerned about foreign governments attacking us in different ways and that would have been an outrage to them. that is interesting to hear such little concern from the
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republicans about the fact that our election was attacked by a foreign power. i want them to get back to the job of defending the country. it's weird. >> the white house is promising to appeal soon after two federal judges blocked the latest version of the president's travel ban. what the white house is saying about that. getting ready for the town hall moments from now. t-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. bring you more ways to helps reduce calories from sugar. with more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie
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>> president trump's travel ban was set to be in effect by now. two federal judges brocked it. he called it judicial overreach
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and they are exploring all options to appeal the flawed rulings. joining us is jessica snyder. they took great paps to rewrite the executive order and both judges are saying it's the president's own campaign statements that gave them pause. >> a majority of opinions went into pain staking detail about the comments president trump and his team made specifically referring to their plans for a muslim ban. both judgeses cited then candidate trump's interview here on cnn with you where he said i think islam hates us and he referred to a press release calling for a complete and shut down of muslims enter the u.s. they said those statements coupled with white house senior adviser steven miller's tv appearance when they were rewriting the order when he said the new order would have the same policies of the old. all of that made it clear that the intent all along was to ban muslims from entering the u.s.
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anderson, an interesting note, the mareland judge said the world is not made brand-new every morning and reasonable observers have reasonable memory. the administration can try to rewrite it, but even on the second try, people remember their words. >> thanks very much. jessica, i understand there was something new about a ruling in washington also? >> just in the past empty minut two, i got an alert. it was the same judge in seattle that put a halt to president trump's first executive order. there was a lot of legal wranglings out in washington still, but a minor ruling that the trump administration may be able to claim victory. they refused to grant the state of washington's request to enforce that preliminary injunction that extended to the first travel ban. they refused to extend that to
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the current travel ban. they still have more legal fight out there. this was part of it. it's a little bit of a victory for the trump administration. who knows how else this judge will rule. >> the washington state attorney general who challenged the first version of the travel ban and senior legal analyst ferguson. what do you make of what jessica just reported about what the preliminary ruling from the judge in washington? >> you bet, that was a decision that judge robart made yesterday, so if i understand her correctly he simply put that in writing, what it goes to is we had two arguments, what it was, the first ruling should still apply to the second executive order. he denied that. we still have our main argument
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essentially that of course like hawaii and maryland that the new executive order should also be under an injunction and we'll be continuing that argument. >> and both rulings from the state of maryland cited the statements from the campaign trail, one about the muslim ban, one i did about mar-a-lago. why is it prudent to apply what the president said last year to this executive order? why wasn't the executive order judged on its own? >> well, you don't know, as the judge in maryland said, was born yesterday. you look at it in context, president trump promised the travel ban, a muslim ban while he was campaigning. he said he was going to implement it after he was elected. rudy giuliani said president trump came to him and said i want to do a muslim ban, make it legal for me. the judges understand that, they're supposed to take it in
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context. and they did. it's a muslim ban, a violation of the first amendment, prefers one religion and disfavors another. it's a classical case. >> and obviously, the six countries that there is a temporary ban are, are muslim majority countries, how on paper, though, is that a muslim ban? >> yeah, so a document, a piece of legislation or in this case a legislative order can on its face on the words of the document seem to be benign, but when you look at the motivation, a court is allowed to look behind it because it could have an anti-constitutional effect in the order. that is what it goes to, i think six federal judges looked at this and reached the identical conclusion and refused to reach the administration's arguments.
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>> why do they give more weight to the previous statements made by president trump until the language of the actual executive order. i know what he said on the campaign trail but will that stand up? >> i don't know, i spent the day with the two rulings, oddly they are both exactly 43 pages long and they focus so heavily on what donald trump said in the campaign. in all of american legal history as far as i can tell there has never been a court ruling that declared an action of a president unconstitutional based on something he said during the campaign. it just never happened before, because that is not how courts usually deal with questions like this. and i just think as it moves through the appeal process the attorneys general are going to have a hard time persuading judges that you know we have to look at what candidates say in their debates and you know in their fundraisers and in you know, thousands of thousands of words that they say. so i just -- it seems very
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puzzling to me. >> jeff, i know you have some questions for the attorney general. >> well, am i wrong about this? has this ever happened before, that a judge has said because of a campaign promise, an action by a president is unconstitutional all? >> attorney general ferguson? >> so it may be an unusual situation, but that is due in part, jeff and anderson, because of what the president has said and his advisers has said, as my colleague pointed out have been breathtaking, and that is what is unprecedented, as a candidate saying, i'm supporting a muslim ban. so keep in mind what the courts have done is said that this just cannot go into effect while we proceed on the merits of our claim, while it's unconstitutional all. we'll proceed and ask for more documents, and depositions will be done. in my state, the harm is so
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great, they're not allowed to go forward while we proceed on the merits. >> but why is a statement by this steven miller, who is a 31-year-old punk in the white house, why is that more important than the constitution says, or the secretary of state, all of whom have option divor e and said this is a valuable tool for national security. >> obviousactually, there is ve little evidence that it impacts homeland security. in fact, the homeland security said it does not. as bob said a moment ago it is not just rare, it's unprecedented. you have a president of the united states, saying before, during and after the campaign that he is going to do something that is illegal and unconstitutional all. and that is what happened here. so i don't see how the courts can possibly ignore it. >> but your opinion about what is in the interest of national security and some judge sitting
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in a room with four law clerks is more valuable than what attorney generals say, why are they wrong and you're right? >> the department of homeland security says it is the option. they say it doesn't help national security and the government, bob's case in washington came in with three examples. one of them was one of the banned countries, the other was somebody came here as a toddler. >> i appreciate your time, jeff toobin, coming up, now there are more allegations on the wiretap, now sean spicer says that they got a british agency to do the dirty work for them. the british agency is publicly responding to what the white house said. that is coming up next.
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some more breaking news on our lead story tonight. british intelligence is accusatt one of their agents spied on the white house. it was filtered as multiple reports were read. the accusation first came from a legal analyst. >> last on fox news on march 14th, judge napolitano made the following statement, that president obama went outside the chain of command and didn't use the cia or the department of justice, he used dchq, it is the
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initials for the british intelligence agency, and simply by saying that the president needs transcripts involving president trump, he is able to get it and there is no american fingerprints on this. >> well, that british intelligence agency just responded. jim sciutto responded, so what are they saying? >> i have to tell you, i speak to british intelligence fairly often, they are not happy to make public comments but in this case they were happy to go public. these are the words they used. they say this report is nonsense, ridiculous and should be ignored, coming from britain's equivalent of the nsa, it is a pivotal moment, because you have the fbi director, the cia, the house speaker, many of the republicans rejecting the president's narrative. and that particular one, one of the british knocking down immediately. >> and jim what do you hear from
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the intelligence community here? how are they reacting to the president sticking to see wiretap claims? >> i think the word is mesmerized. confused. there is no evidence of that. they can't say it in public, many can't say it in public, but that is okay because many of them are saying in public, many republicans have been briefed on the intelligence to say there is no evidence. so behind closed doors the people producing the intelligence behind those statements they just don't know what the president is trying to accomplish with this. and it does raise hard questions again because it's another case of the president to some degree undermining the intelligence community. because in public, he is saying what they're saying is not true. >> and monday, we expect comey to testify from the fbi and to talk publicly about this, no? >> that is right, we do. comey is very tight lipped as you know, but on this issue there is expectation he will make some public comment that there is no evidence that there
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are wiretap claims by the president. >> all right, thank you very much, jim, "the messy truth" with van jones starts now. [ applause ] welcome to "the messy truth." i'm van jones, now look, today was a crazy day even by trump's crazy standards. okay? we had sean spicer in the briefing, in the scene that really just could have just been saturday night live. you just take the tape, play it on saturday night. we had a senate intelligence committee where basically they called the president of the united states a liar. over his wiretapping claims, which apparently are totally phoney. and then we got our first look at the trump budget, which basically just drops a bomb, financially and economically on trump's own supporters. so look, tonight


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